Optimizing Algorithms

FDS has ability to conceive, design and build algorithms across broad spectrum of industries and domains

Advanced Planning and Scheduling for discrete manufacturing

Job Shop Scheduling

Lean Production Scheduling and Execution for repetitive manufacturing

FDS strengthened algorithmic skill by maintaining and developing partner products

Configurable scheduling solutions

For assembly lines or entire manufacturing plants - Master Production Scheduling for Automotive and Engineering Industry

Hot & Cold Mill Scheduling

Generates a sequence of slabs to be rolled on the mill depending upon a set of business constraints & scheduling rules specified by the user.

Configurable sequencing solutions

Targeted for assembly lines, schedules that respect a set of physical constraints and business rules, integrated with the enterprise systems -Sequencing algorithms for Assembly line – Simulated Annealing based

Paper Mill Scheduling

Paper Production Run-Templates, Enterprise Optimization, Trim Optimization, Database Import/Export, and Capacity To Promise.

Genetic algorithms

Evolutionary optimization algorithm that attempts to get the most fitting solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem relatively quickly, using the principles of genetics, natural selection, and ‘survival of the fittest’ concept

Product Mix Optimization

Linear Programming-based optimizer to determine the most optimum product mix for repetitive manufacturing, based on constraints and objective definitions

Algorithm based consultancy

  • LP/IP based Lot size optimization - cumulative density functions and inverse cumulative density functions for a set of Standard Continuous as well as Discrete probability distributions

  • Harvesting and Transportation Scheduling for sugar and other agricultural sectors such as oil seeds - objective was to develop a harvesting schedule based on statistical forecasting

  • Ingredient optimization for animal feed mix industry - optimizing algorithm to maximize nutrient content of animal feed mix, given availability of raw materials and their costs


  • Product Mix Optimization for several consumer product companies – what to manufacture and when to manufacture based on roughcut capacity, availability and forecast

  • Forecasting Algorithms

Mathematics and Statistics

  • Proprietary Mathematical functions library - routines for various operations on matrices like matrix inversion, LU decomposition, QR decomposition etc

  • Statistical Algorithms - cumulative density functions and inverse cumulative density functions for a set of Standard Continuous as well as Discrete probability distributions